Chiropractic Care for Kids in Rocklin CA

Every parent desires a healthy, happy baby and to have that child be successful in all areas of life-physical and mental health, relationships, and school. Parents look for help when a health concern, behavioral, or academic challenge presents. Today’s parents are not content to settle for the traditional approach which often is medication. They are searching for answers. Dr. Marianne Abate, D.C., a Certified Pediatric Chiropractor, can help provide these answers, backed by science, to help your child. Dr. Marianne Abate, DC, is a certified pediatric chiropractor in Rocklin CA and has a practice dedicated to newborns through adolescence. Dr. Abate, D.C., is experienced with wellness, neurologic development, posture, and injury care for pediatric patients without the use of drugs. Treatment can influence academic, behavioral, immune, and digestive issues for children.
A child's nervous system is the controller and regulator of all the other systems in their growing body. From blood flow to brain function and growth, the nervous system plays a central role in keeping things working and healthy. Stress and misalignment of the spine can not only cause pain and postural issues such as scoliosis, but it can also seriously impact your child's overall health. These challenges can affect behavior as well as the development of the body and BRAIN. Better Health Chiropractic offers gentle and non-invasive therapy that works to correct underlying issues. Chiropractic care for children in Rocklin CA can improve or prevent further development of health issues in a child’s developing body and brain.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care In Rocklin CA
- PRENATAL & POSTPARTUM CARE: Dr. Abate, D.C .is knowledgeable and experienced in preconception, perinatal, and postpartum care. This enables her to address mothers’ to-be, following birth and infantile concerns.
- INFANTS: Children in this age group can be suffering tongue/lip tie, metabolic issues such as MTHFR, nursing /digestive conditions such as reflux, constipation, and diarrhea as well as immune issues such as ear infections.
As a pediatric chiropractor, Dr. Abate treats children of all ages- premature infants through teens. Children today are growing up in a more complex generation-packed schedule, digital devices, social media, and declining food quality that stresses their bodies and nervous systems more than their parents or any other generation. If the brain and body become overwhelmed, the nervous system of the child can become stuck in a fight/flight response which impacts the physical, emotional, and academic development of that child continuing into adulthood.
How Can I Tell If My Child Needs Chiropractic Care?
The spine is not just bones, muscles, and ligaments. It is a neurological organ that connects the brain and body. The spinal cord which is protected by the spinal bones and spinal nerves is the communication between the brain and body and provides the ability to adapt. Only 2 of the 9 fibers forming a spinal nerve are dedicated to pain, the remainder control muscles, blood flow, and touch or positional sense. A child's spine can be misaligned without any awareness of pain or discomfort. Even when a child is experiencing pain, they may not be able to communicate and it can be expressed as grumpiness, acting out, or incessant crying. Issues with the spine can also be the source of many other childhood concerns. Your pediatric chiropractor can identify a subtle chronic issue that might be developing.
What Is Chiropractic Care For Kids?
A chiropractic treatment for a child begins with an examination to determine the exact issue and the best route for treatment. Even if your child is too young to communicate, or too shy, Dr. Abate D.C., has the skills to work with your child to determine the exact nature of the concern before proceeding with treatment. Gentle and non-invasive adjustments and appropriate physio or neurological therapy are prescribed, including our sensory gym experience. Children will often become relaxed and even fall asleep following treatment. If you are concerned about your child's spinal health, or other neurological developmental concerns, contact our certified pediatric chiropractor, Dr. Abate D.C., at Better Health Chiropractic, to arrange a consultation today.

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Better Health Chiropractic
4700 Rocklin Rd
Rocklin, CA 95677